An Expert's Opinion


Dr. Paolo Bruniera, Physiotherapist

"Those who sleep well at night will be more perceptive and keen during the day.
The medical world agrees that a good night’s sleep is necessary for
good health and a general state of well-being.
Certainly a suitable bed system has a very important role in the quality of a person’s sleep and for this reason we must choose the one that best meets our needs.
In later life the biological, anatomical and functional “inner clock” changes for both men and women. The older we get the longer recovery times will be.
Although our physical performance may be maintained at a high level through constant exercise we need to rest longer to recover energy and repair the tissues stressed by such activity.
Recent studies show that there is a direct correlation between a good sleep (in terms of amount and quality) and longer life!
So it is clear that good sleep, gauged to personal needs, can help us preserve good health and face the future with a smile."